Rules and Guidelines for CPTSD Foundation programs

You agree to adhere to all guidelines when participating in group calls, events, or in any private online community for any and all programs operated by CPTSD Foundation.

If you have any questions, please use the contact form. A staff member will reach back out to you via email.

The following rules and guidelines are meant to protect your privacy and to ensure the safety of members participating in our programs.

These rules and guidelines are linked in the registration form and check out process when joining any program operated by CPTSD Foundation. In addition, they are linked to and or read aloud during program calls or events. In the event that these rules and guidelines are not linked to or mentioned during any program call or event, they still apply to all participants regardless.


The guidelines outlined below help create a narrow, focused container for the trauma-informed peer support offered during our Daily Recovery Support calls, and any other programs offered by CPTSD Foundation. Our intent is to offer both a ‘safe-enough’ and effective container for each member of our community who chooses to join us here.

By being here today, you are agreeing to follow these guidelines while in the group experience and within the online communities offered.

Warmth and Positive Regard to Self and Other Community Members: We each come from varied and unique pasts, diverse cultures, and we’re entering this journey in various states of growth. This means sometimes people will say things, share things, or do things we object to. If it was not said or done directly to you, this is a good opportunity to grant them positive warm regard and see their efforts through the lens of healing and growth, rather than judgment or making them wrong. If needed, process your experience in the privacy of your own being (or with your trauma-informed therapist or separate support group), as well as consider that people are healing, exploring, developing, and growing. It is also a good time to stay focused on your healing and your growth. In the event a community member does something directly to you or says something directly to you that hurts you, this is an opportunity to reach out and communicate with them, and work towards either resolution or going your individual ways while maintaining politeness in the group containers. Please only involve Iris or the Support Team if there’s a violation of the guidelines.

Not Sharing Specific Trauma Details During Peer Support: This container is not appropriate for specific trauma details or discussion. If you need assistance with a trauma that comes up, please contact one of the crisis resources offered, or reach out to your trauma-informed therapist directly. If you need clarification on a specific situation, please email us at either Iris@cptsdfoundation .org or [email protected]

Privacy of All Is Maintained: Nothing discussed by others during Daily Recovery Support will be shared outside with others who are not part of that group or have not agreed to their personal details being shared. You are, however, welcome to share your own personal experience with whom you choose. Do not share names or details of other community members, however.

No Sharing of Politics or Politically Charged Topics: Do not discuss politics or politically sensitive topics, events, or persons (examples: abortion, republican, conservative, liberal, democrat, Trump, Harris, etc).

No Sharing of Religion/Spirituality: Do not discuss or mention religious or spiritual things using specifics, such as naming a religion or spiritual practice by name, or a spiritual person by name. You can use these general terms: “my higher power” or “a spiritual practitioner” or “spiritual experience” or “spiritual belief system”.

No Offering To ‘Fix’ Other Community Members:
Community Members are not broken in need of fixing, or problems in need of solving; we are traumatized in need of support, which is why we are here together. Only Daily Recovery Support Facilitators may offer guidance or feedback to community members after obtaining consent and clarification. Community Members speak about their own lived experience; no one else’s.

Use of Pronouns:
If a person has pronouns stated in their ZOOM name description, please remember to use them when referencing that individual. If you have preferred pronouns, please place them in your ZOOM name.

Handling Differences:
If one feels hurt or activated by the beliefs or perspectives of another, it is worth taking some time to explore that experience, what it means to you, and how you want to care for yourself. This is a place for generating acceptance of difference, not for judgment or trying to change someone else. If it is something you need to discuss with a community member, you need to get consent from that community member before discussing it with them. Do not involve Iris or Support Team in addressing differences unless it involves racism, bigotry, abuse, or violates the guidelines.

Feedback you want to share about your experience with Daily Recovery Support should be done privately via email. You can email Iris @ cptsdfoundation .org or Support @ cptsdfoundation .org

Got Questions?
If you have questions, reach out to us here: [email protected] or [email protected]


  • CPTSD Foundation and The Foundation for Post Traumatic Healing and Complex Trauma Research, are one and the same.
  • You are encouraged to register on Zoom and/or our Circle platform using your first name & last initial, or a nickname. (This depends on what program you join, but we always encourage you to register using a name you feel safe with).
  • Confidentiality is a must for every single participant: no discussion of any personally identifying information about yourself or another group member is allowed.
  • No visitors or guests are permitted on any CPTSD Foundation program call or event. Only registered members of our programs are able to join.
  • There will be no recordings of group meetings permitted, except the recordings facilitated by CPTSD Foundation (if applicable to program you're in).
  • No sharing of any content used on any program call or online group is permitted. Resources used in any program, and information discussed, are only to be used for your personal use.
  • There will be no discussion of money or request for monetary support of any kind, nor will there be any discussion of membership status.
  • There will be no discussions of requesting housing assistance, relocation assistance, food, or any other personal care items or assistance.
  • There will be no discussion of politics or religion at any time. The exception to this rule; when a program topic is faith or religion based. There are no political topics covered in our programs.
  • CPTSD Foundation is never a place to receive crisis care, therapy, medical care, diagnosis, mental health care, or work through trauma memories.
  • You must be medically stable to participate in this, or any program provided by CPTSD Foundation.
  • Cross-talking, speaking over, rude or disrespectful behavior of any type, to any group member or program facilitator is strictly prohibited.
  • Members are encouraged to share and be mindful of space being used. Engage with other members within the program when you feel safe in doing so.
  • Members are encouraged to receive all communicational feedback from participants and leaders as positive intent.
  • Camera use on live calls is determined by the program(s) you're registered with. Members are never required to have their cameras on during a call. 
  • Call leaders for each program have the option of enabling their own camera during calls. 
  • If you have a concern about any aspect of a program, you must use the contact form on the website to share your concern. The program facilitator, or an appropriate staff member will respond to you directly. Program concerns are not to be discussed in any way during a program call, event, or private online community.
  • You may be removed from any program or private online community at any time if any of the rules outlined are not adhered too, and/or at the discretion of CPTSD Foundation leadership.
  • If you are removed for any reason, no refund will be issued to you (if applicable), as you are required to follow all program rules and guidelines at all times in order to continue participating.
  • CPTSD Foundation is not crisis care; if you are in crisis, please reach out to an online or local crisis resource or contact your medical or mental health providers.
  • Each member is responsible for their own safety. CPTSD Foundation provides an atmosphere of encouragement, validation, and support in all programs and platforms operated by our organization, but it is the ultimate responsibility of each member to ensure their own safety, well-being, and practice self-care as needed. 
  • By participating in any program offered by CPTSD Foundation, you understand and agree to be bound by the Terms of Service, Full Site Disclaimer and Privacy Policy, and the Cancellation and Refund Policy, and any and all information included in registration forms, checkout pages, or informational pages on any CPTSD Foundation operated website.

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